About Us - Argus WestMed

WestMed Insurance Services Limited is an independent insurance intermediary, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Argus Group Holdings (Europe) Limited. Although WestMed began life as a small complementary auxiliary service to Argus Insurance, the company has now developed into a major player within local markets
Our Network
Through our network of agency arrangements and specialist staff, we are in a position to be able to offer a comprehensive range of insurance products and premiums which suit our clients’ individual needs.
Key Facts
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission, Gibraltar under Licence No. FSC 0572B. Our permitted business is Insurance Intermediary. You can check this on the GFSC Register by visiting the GFSC’s website www.fsc.gi or by contacting the GFSC on (350) 200 40284.
Whose Products Do We Offer?
We offer products from various markets. Examples of the Products and Insurers are listed below:
Private Medical and Health Services (BUPA/NOW Health/AXA PPP/ALC)
Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice and D&O (Lloyds of London/Holistic Services)
Travel Insurance (Europesure Insurance/ALC/Howden Specialty)
Marine Cargo/Marine Craft (Lloyds of London)
Business Multi Risks and Other Commercial Lines (Various recognised UK Insurers)
Life Insurance Protection Products (AIG Life)
Which Service Will We Provide You With?
We may advise and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needs on some of the products listed above. On others you will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. We may ask some questions to narrow down the selection of products on which we will provide details and you will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.
What Services Will You Have to Pay Us For?
We normally derive our income from commissions received from product providers. However, if we propose to charge any administration fees, we will advise you accordingly.
Who Regulates Us?
We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission, Gibraltar under Licence No. GFSC 0572B. Our permitted business is Insurance Intermediary. You can check this on the GFSC Register by visiting the GFSC’s website www.fsc.gi or by contacting the GFSC on (350) 200 40284.
Argus group Holdings (Europe) Limited owns 100% of our share capital.
What To Do If You Have A Complaint
We offer a range of options to allow you to make a complaint as you choose:
Call us: 0035079520
Email us: compliance@argus.gi
Write to us: The Compliance Officer, WestMed Insurance Services Limited, Unit G.04 West One, Europort Road, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
Form: Complete the ‘Complaints & General Feedback’ form on our website
How we will handle your complaint
We will contact you initially within five working days of receiving your complaint. We will either respond with a full reply or send you an acknowledgement letter, which will tell you:
Who is dealing with your complaint; and
When we will contact you again
Once we have sent you an acknowledgement letter, we will investigate your complaint fully and write to you with our findings. If your complaint is particularly complex, we may need to spend longer investigating it. In these cases, we will keep you up to date on our progress. In all cases, we will respond to your complaint within 8 weeks, in line with the deadline set by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.
Your Rights
We try to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you remain unhappy with our response to your complaint, or if we have not resolved it 8 weeks after you first told us about it, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman. If you want the Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman to look into your complaint, you must refer it to them within 6 months of the date of our final response to you. You can contact them at:
Gibraltar Public Services Ombudsman
10 Governors Lane, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
Tel: 350 20046001
Online: ombudsman.org.gi